Lillian (Pending)
Meet Lillian, an 11 month old, 35lb mix breed puppy with a white coat and adorable black spots. Lillian is a social butterfly who loves people, kids, and dogs of all sizes. She’s incredibly smart and picks up new commands quickly—she knows “sit,” “come,” “kennel up,” and “load,” and is off-leash reliable. Lillian has enjoyed going on pack hikes with her foster family, making her a perfect companion for an active household. She’s crate and house trained and eager to continue growing with a family who’ll include her in their daily adventures. If you’re looking for an energetic, loving, and intelligent addition to your family, Lillian is ready to join you! Send in your adoption application today at
Lillian is currently being fostered in North Carolina and can transport as far North as Maine to her adoptive home.
Dog Breed | Lab mix |
Gender | female |
Health | Healthy |
Age | 11 months |