Why Foster
Wondering WHY would someone foster? Too much heartbreak? Too much trouble?
Read below to see stories from some of our wonderful foster families. They are the life blood of our rescue. It’s because of them we are able to do what we do.
We hear it all the time:
“It must be so hard to let them go after having them for a few months!”
“How do you not get attached?!”
It is hard. It’s also one of the most rewarding things I’ve had the privilege to be a part of. To see the dogs discover life and love and come out of their shells is incredible. Watching each individual personality blossom makes it worth it. Seeing a once timid dog become excited to see you, makes it worth it. Seeing the once rambunctious puppy understand a command, makes it worth it. Getting updates from the dogs new family makes it easier and warms your soul.
We do get attached. Every time. A little piece of our hearts go with each foster that goes home. I’ve been told when they take a piece of our heart they leave a piece of their heart. What a beautiful hearts we would all have if we all had the heart of a rescued dog!
Knowing that all of our fosters come from almost certain death and seeing them walk away with a wonderful family is a beautiful feeling that can’t be described.
Working with a group of the most dedicated, selfless people gives me hope. We are surrounded by stories of hope, recovery and forgiveness. Seeing the huge network of people from all walks of life come together for the common goal of saving the lives of dogs that have often never felt love is humbling. Fostering has saved me tenfold to the animals I have helped.
Sometimes its hard, sometimes it hurts. It is always worth it.
– Sara

I have been fostering since before it became a norm. I helped run a shelter in Pennsylvania starting when I was 24. I use to take special needs home. It has been a very good experience for me to realize I made a difference in a dogs life. We need to speak for them because they cannot speak. If you take time, you will realize you can understand thier language and needs and understand what they say. Many people won’t or can’t take the time. That is why I, and many others like me, do what we do.
It hurts to take in a foster, understand them and then let them go, but it also feels good to know they have a wonderful family and.. you have room to do it again! Save as many as you can. As a foster, you never know how long it takes to find the right home but we are dedicated to keeping a dog as long as you need to until that special person comes along. I also work with older dogs and hospice dogs. Yes, I shed alot of tears. The tears will always be there, but the happiness out weighs the tears. I thank god every day that he gave me this gift and I never want it another way. My heart is fulfilled.
– Nancy
I foster because I love dogs. Especially small ones. To have the opportunity to be with a creature in need is a privilege. I also think the opportunity to assist in the transition is awesome. I am always happy to do it. And I always consider adopting each dog. And you know what? That is ok.
– Missy

I foster to give dogs a second chance at life and to free up space in the shelter. I love to see the growth in hurt, abused, and neglected dogs. It’s a beautiful thing to see dogs settle in and feel safe and loved. I love to rescue the dogs who are overlooked in the shelter and especially pitbulls.
– Shannon
After COVID-19 hit, my husband and I started working from home and decided it would be a great time to foster. We wanted to help get dogs out of the shelter since shelters weren’t able to operate as usual and give them a second chance at the life they deserve. Underhound was the perfect rescue to partner with because the people in the organization are incredible and because we were not able to make a long term foster commitment. The rescue model of Underhound is so great because it ensures dogs’ lives are saved and that the fosters have what they need to be successful.
– Lindsay and Greg

This is so difficult to answer in a short statement. My two passions in life are helping animals and people. I chose to foster to give a voice to the voiceless…to help those that can’t help themselves. I wanted to be a part of ensuring unwanted and unloved pups found a forever home where not one day passes where they don’t receive the love and attention they deserve. My heart is happy when they are happy.
– Barbie
I am choosing to foster any dogs in need because I love them. I want them to have a safe and great home to wait in while a search is done on their behalf for a great family that deserves them. I believe dogs make people better. I believe in Underhound Railroad’s mission. Saving dogs lives. I think my dogs love visiting with their canine friends. I foster because I can.
– Missy

My husband and I have now fostered over 40 dogs for Underhound Railroad. People say, “how can you let them go? I just couldn’t do that.” Honestly, it’s a pretty good feeling to know you helped to make your foster a “Good Citizen” and that they have found their forever home. Tears are shed when they drive away with their new family, but my first thought it, who is next? You get to learn everything good and not so good about each dog. You work with them in a home setting, to learn to be a good pet and show them love, patience, kindness, even teach them trust. That way you can continue to work with adopters to make it a good transition and everyone is happy in the end. We have met so many wonderful adopters and are blessed to keep in touch through Facebook with pics and messages. The Underhound group of volunteers are good people, who will also learn to work with. We all try to help each other, are available to new fosters for questions, etc. It takes a village and our village has placed many, many dogs. P.S. It’s not always glamorous. We go through lots of bleach, things gew chewed, it’s messy and noisy some days, actually every day. But at the end of the day or when an adoption occurs, it was all worth it.
– Julie
I foster because I enjoy helping animals find their forever homes. Often a foster is the only thing between life and death for the animal and I like being a part of the positive outcome. By fostering, I am helping save that animal as well as I am opening up a place for yet another animal to live at that same shelter. Yes, it is difficult to let the animal go but it is fulfilling knowing that it is going to a safe and good home. Fostering saves lives.
– Larry

Why do I foster for Underhound Railroad? A good friend of mine had been fostering for many years and I remember thinking wow, here she goes getting another foster!!! She is crazy, full time job, three kids….Then one day she posted that they were looking for more fosters and I thought that I was in a good place to give it a shot! Wow! I had no idea how it would feel to meet these lil pups for the first time, knowing they have just made an incredibly long journey to get here. The stories were sad, some were abandoned, abused, neglected, surrendered, etc. I fell in love with each and every one of them! Merry, Butterball, Chantel and now we have Samantha, a lil black 9lb sweetheart puppy! I have kept tabs on all of my foster babies via facebook and love seeing pictures of them in their forever homes. Just knowing that I enable one more dog to be pulled from a kill shelter in the south and journey to Maine for me to snuggle and love until they find their forever home in Maine is a true blessing!
– Tammy
We started fostering as a way to help animals as a family. It become an addition where we couldn’t say no. It was the best feeling to give all the extra time we had to nurture a dog that had really bad past experiences. The feeling you have when you earn the trust of these animals is indescribable. You fall in love with every single dog you welcome into your family…And you cry when they have to leave you. It’s a lot of work but worth every second.
– Christina
I foster because I love dogs. I’m horrified at the conditions many dogs are living in, the neglect, the abuse. Is it hard at times to give up a pup when you have poured your heart into their adjustment and healing? Of course, but knowing you have secured a pup from horrid conditions into the loving arms of a fur-ever home, it’s so worth it. It’s worth it because there is always another that needs the safety of your home and heart, always another to be rescued from the grip of euthanasia because there are so many still in need. If I could ensure safety for all, I would. That’s an unrealistic dream, so I will help as many as I possibly can. To see a pup flourish in a loving, safe home makes all the difference. My tears are from happiness and knowing there is another in need.
– Joanna